About Dragnet Background Screening Services

Dragnet Background Screening Services was created nearly 20 years ago with the concept of people…doing business for people. It is that simple. We are hands on not automated and work hard to effectively provide you with a comprehensive snapshot look of tenants, clients or even vendors you may be working with or placing in your investment property. While there are no guarantees, an ounce of prevention can be worth a lot of what ifs. Our reports along with your due diligence in obtaining other important information that will help give you insight on your applicants, can produce favorable outcome. We also have a strong 30-year background in property management and put that knowledge to work from a landlord or property management perspective while providing background information. We are constantly working to improve and implement new ideas to give you a straightforward report and insure a very user-friendly experience.

Dragnet Background Screening Services, LLC

Our Company

Dragnet has been in business for over 20 years for one reason: to provide a snapshot look at who you are about to trust with your income producing property, who will ultimately be a reflection of your professionalism if representing a property owner or possibly that new employee that will be representing your business. What about that contractor that you are about to hire? Do you really want to give a sizable deposit or let them onto your property not knowing about their business including licensing or the principle owners background? We help you make decisions that will protect not only your image, but possibly reduce your exposure to liability by using a comprehensive background screening combined with a financial profile along with your due diligence… Before making that all important decisions that could end up costing you money and time to stop further damages and start over again. Many times the reasonable cost of getting this informative report can be passed on to your tenant if you are an owner or property manager. But in most cases, is the cost is one that you can afford not to do? An ounce of prevention can save you thousands on repairs, lost income and lost productivity as well as other reputational damages.

Our Mission

To provide easy to understand, accurate reports  to assist with your important applicant decisions while providing exceptional customer service.

Our Vision

In this modern world of online transactions and no live human customer service…. Here We Are!  Many landlords or property managers that choose to use an online background company soon find out a couple of things:

1. If you make an error inputting your applicants information, you’ve paid for a useless report and now must pay again when re-entering the correct information and

2. Very limited ‘customer’ service…let alone a live human. Why would you opt to pay for that when you can have Dragnet Credit and Tenant Screening take care of you?  We are a human operated business that will work with you all the way to make sure that you get the most out of your tenant background reports the first time, and work with you avoiding any additional charges most of the time to correct those little errors that slipped through on the application.  If you are collecting your application fee from your potential tenants, this is a pass through expense so this is basically a free service on your end!  All it takes is a call to get started.  No enrollment fee or contracts.

What We Offer

Don't Pay Twice

In this digital, automated world of doing business, often in the background reporting industry once you have input information into a website data field in order to obtain your report and hit ‘send’, you are charged.  If there are typos or incorrect important dates or numbers, you will have to start over and pay again.  We strive to get the correct information from you the first time, but realize that typos and errors happen.  We always will work with you to make corrections without an additional charge.

No Contracts

At Dragnet Background Screening Services, we do business based on clients that are satisfied with our services.  We proudly have many of our clients from word of mouth referrals because of happy customers.  We do not require a contract in order to provide our services to you.  We may from time to time ask that you acknowledge certain disclosures that may apply to FCRA or the Fair Housing Act.  This is to protect you as well as to keep us compliant.

Comprehensive Snapshot

What do we mean when we refer to our reports as ‘Comprehensive Snapshots’?  Exactly that!  An easy to read and understand look into your applicant’s background in a compact format.  Due to unforeseen errors in governmental or other informational reporting or data entry reporting, there are not guarantees that any report is 100% accurate.  That being said, we work diligently in interpret and evaluate any subject idiosyncrasies that may contain a predominance of similarities while remaining compliant with all national and local laws.  We always try to go the extra mile to obtain the most information available.

Human Operated

While your first thought may be “Humans make mistakes…..automation is the way to go”  STOP!  How does the information the automated programs gather get into the system?  HUMANS! Rather than flip flop from automation to then needing to call customer service, which many times is also automated, let us handle it without the hassles.  Many times while we are conducting our investigation, we detect human error within the governmental or other informational databases and work to filter out information that is not accurate.  Save money, time and frustration.

Our Team of Experts

Patti Brenneman

Patti Brenneman


Bringing an accumulated 30 years of management, property management, customer service and investigative report experience


Mckensie Malecki

Executive Assistant

Experienced administrative assistant, customer service, community service and investigative report experience. 

You are in Good Hands with Dragnet Background Screening Services

Get In Touch

Drop us a message, and we will contact you back within one business day.

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